・Save time by wiring once. Connect all LRU devices and Busses under test just one time. Then make connection changes using the switch. Eliminate bus rewiring when changing avionics simulations or test scenarios.
・Reduce errors with automated tests. Connect with the RS232 and remotely change LRU-to-Bus connections. Write scripts in PERL, TCL, or other scripting languages using the simple, but powerful CLI. Running the same scripts reduces human errors in wiring and configuration.
・Save money by sharing expensive resources. Move limited BC, RT, BM, analyzers, recorders, or other devices from bus to bus.
・Reduce errors with automated tests. Connect with the RS232 and remotely change LRU-to-Bus connections. Write scripts in PERL, TCL, or other scripting languages using the simple, but powerful CLI. Running the same scripts reduces human errors in wiring and configuration.
・Save money by sharing expensive resources. Move limited BC, RT, BM, analyzers, recorders, or other devices from bus to bus.