- 製品カテゴリ
- アナログI/O
- フォームファクタ
・Front Panel Analog Signal Input
・Number of Channels: 2 (single ended)
・Connectors: AC coupled, front panel MMCX connector
・Full Scale Output: 0.5V pk-pk into 50 ohms
・Output Impedance: 50 ohms
・D/A Converter
・Quantity: 1
・Type: Analog Devices AD9744
・Sampling Rate: 210MSPS
・Resolution: 14 bits
・SNR @ 5 MHz output, 125MSPS: 77dB
・External Clock Input
・Connector: Front Panel MMCX
・Input Level: 1V pk-pk, sine or squarewave
・Input Impedance: 50 Ohms, AC coupled LVPECL
・Clock Selection: Controlled by FPGA
・Single-ended, 50 Ohm, DC coupled
・Number of Channels: 2 (single ended)
・Connectors: AC coupled, front panel MMCX connector
・Full Scale Output: 0.5V pk-pk into 50 ohms
・Output Impedance: 50 ohms
・D/A Converter
・Quantity: 1
・Type: Analog Devices AD9744
・Sampling Rate: 210MSPS
・Resolution: 14 bits
・SNR @ 5 MHz output, 125MSPS: 77dB
・External Clock Input
・Connector: Front Panel MMCX
・Input Level: 1V pk-pk, sine or squarewave
・Input Impedance: 50 Ohms, AC coupled LVPECL
・Clock Selection: Controlled by FPGA
・Single-ended, 50 Ohm, DC coupled